94th Aero Squadron
A Microsoft Combat Flight Simulator 2 Virtual Squadron
From _94th_Pitbull
Thursday, March 20
I am resurrecting the 94th, but only for Wildcat pilots.
Wahooooooooo Thatch Weave!!!!!!!!!
From _94th_Chaplain
Sunday, March 16
Squad Closed
Post Abandoned
See Screenshot of this final post by clicking on this Hat
From _94th_imEZ
Saturday Night, March 8
Owing to technical problems, Saturday's match did not have a clear-cut outcome. Nonetheless, in view of Chaplain's position as Founder of the 94th and one who is desirous of being reinstated as CO, I am relinguishing my position here as Clerk/CO in favor of Chaplain.
There will be substantive changes that will occur in this regard as it relates to the website and probably the structure of the 94th. Concerning this Lounge area, the new area will be: http://groups.msn.com/94thAeroSquadron
At some point, the community zero Lounge area will be closed. Please take what you want out of it in the meantime.
It's been fun guys. Best wishes to Chappy in his new role. In particular, thanks to Pork and Pit for helping keep the 94th alive in the early days and for making it total fun all the days.
Lest there be any doubt about it, Pork, as CO of the 94th, has set the tone for all of our activities and made it fun. It has been a priviledge to make his acquaintance and to learn some flying skills from him.
Thanks to all 94th m8's for your support and friendship......It's now time to give Chappy a chance to show us new but old/time good feelings as we go about our gaming. Chappy is the originator of "no worries" and "it's all good". It's always fun to be in his rooms.
The King is Dead. Long live the King!
Rules of Engagement for Saturday
Chappy vs. EZ
9:00 pm Eastern
EZ will host the match in the broadband connections room. Pork is the chief referee. Pit will coordinate the cheerleader section.
There will be 5 games in the match. 3 games wins the match. The vic for all games is set at 5.
The first 2 games will be with corsairs (starting at 10,0000, 300 mph), games 3 and 4 will be with bi-planes (starting at 1,000, 120 mph), and, game 5 will be with a Corsair (10,000, 300 mph). After game 2, and again after game 4, it will be necessary to change rooms owing to difficulties of plane changing under DX9.
Participants are not permitted to crash in order to reload. If this is deemed by Pork to have happened, the one crashing will forfeit the game, but not, necessarily, the match.
The setting is Ocean Island, daylight, clear day.
Everybody except for Chappy and EZ will land and stay landed for the duration of each match. Pork will signal when this has been accomplished.
Any 94th regular members are invited in the room. Non-94th guests may come in by invitation only. Password to be announced. If the room is full, come in through EZ's IP. No chatting will be permitted from guests during play either from the RR on on the field. Chappy, Pork, Pit and EZ may chat as desired.
Mar-1-2003 9:09 PM
Thx to Pork and the LizardKing for their acknowledgement.
This squad would not be celebrating an anniversary without their continued and strong support.
As CO, and in the spirit of fun and friendship, I accept the challenge from our Founder Chaplain,
who desires to lead this motley crue.
Chappy and I will meet over the next few weeks at a time to be announced for a series of games.
The winner of that set will emerge as the new CO of the 94th.
It's all good.
Mar-1-2003 7:57 PM
Howdy all. i would like to give my command in this squad to EZ; he did all the work. It's his squad....I just fly.
Introduction to the 94th
The squadron was officially activated at Kelly Field, Texas, on August 20, 1917, as the 94th Aero Squadron. The 94th continues today as an active fighter squadron. Click here for a detailed look at the history of the 94th. While we are mainly pursuing a recreational sport here in a virtual context, we also hold in respect the "Hat in the Ring" symbol in honor of all the servicemen past and present defending the principles of Democracy.
Concerning the sport of Flight Simulator, the 94th is and will remain a small squad of a few good friends who like to fly with each other. It is fun to get kills and win matches. Winning, however, is a distant second to preserving good feelings among fellow flyers in and out of the 94th. The primary reason for keeping the 94th small is to ensure that each member adheres to the principles set forth in the Code of Conduct and, is a positive force for Friendship, Honor, and Fun on the Zone.
We don't have ranks. We pretty much know what each of us is about and the role each of us plays in the 94th. Certainly there are similarities here to the non-virtual 94th. Here, all of us are good and competitive flyers, and are serious about skill development. But, unlike the non-virtual world, we can't actually physically shoot someone if they misbehave enough. So, we are not sure what ranks mean in CFS and, therefore, have decided to not have them. Each and every 94th member has an important part in the maintenance of the 94th tone that has been created. The 94th is an open, non-political, non-egotistical group of friends whose commitment is to each other to add to one another's quality of life. While we have perceived some common practices on CFS to not be real enough to embrace at the 94th, Friendship, Honor, and Fun are real---That,,, we Have.
Most of us need to attend to our "other life", despite the addictive allure of CFS, for our lives to stay in some sort of balance and to not get into worldly trouble because of CFS. It is also for this reason that we do not want to make too big a deal out of CFS and emphasize it in our lives to the point where the tail is wagging the dog. Thus, we don't have mandatory practice, meetings, or cross-country sorties. It's nice when members show up for the occasional scheduled match, but it's a game, we keep telling ourselves (lots of luck on believing this sometimes, lol). We also don't want to take ourselves too seriously in or out of CFS. Life is short with too little time for Friendship, Honor, and Fun. We want to approach sessions with CFS with joy and anticipation, not with a sense of duty or worse, dread. Our non-virtual lives are usually more than enough to sate our needs of duty fulfillment.
We fly at 100% stock CFS2 and CFS3 aircraft, unaltered, out of the box with 100% fuel loaded. At times we may also fly the 1% aircraft from AvHistory.org and the great WWI aircraft from AER http://www.aer.ip3.com/ The Aircraft of the 94th that are available for download will either be flown within the squad or noted in the "room description" as to what is going on. For example, the real 94th has flown the Nieuport and we enjoy continuing a long tradition. This should give all members of the squad a variety that some other squads may not enjoy.
If we do not like something we see in a game, we leave rather than accuse. We do not act as wingmen in an open FFA, which is a form of cheating. Fairness toward non-squad fliers is an essential part of 94th policy. It takes a great deal more power to not respond to trash talk than it does to comment. It also takes a good deal more skill to not take a kill when doing so would, perhaps, be questionable. Whether it regards CFS or the non-virtual world, we all build skill over time, depending on our level of intensity, commitment, and the abilities that we start with. Building character and reputation is a harder task.
Have FUN! It's All good, except for cheating. Since there are a number of "old timers" in the 94th, we are aware of nearly all the ways that dishonorable flyers try to cheat. We can and will spot you. Don't do it. Please go elsewhere if feel the need to bend the rules.
All 94th flyers are expected to honor principles set forth here and in the Code of Conduct in All their Zone activities.
COC Summary
"All welcome to join or play, but if u wanna cheat or give others a hard time--even if you think they deserve it, get out, or please go elsewhere."